Coconut Elephant Yoga

New Year's Sound Bath
with Julian

January 7 (Saturday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Celebrate the New Year by immersing yourself in a healing Sound Bath. As the year kicks off anew, it’s an excellent time to set forth your best intentions for 2024! This experience will create the space for you to let go and release what you do not need so that you can manifest what you deserve. 

Join Juju for this Sound Bath that utilizes frequency, vibration and stillness to create a meditative and relaxing environment that promotes a sense of calm and peace, through crystal and brass singing bowls, gongs, drums, chimes and more. This sound journey will enable you to enter a deep, alpha-theta brainwave state, in which healing is stimulated at the cellular level, a therapeutic and transformational experience. 

Our featured tea is "Calm Chamomile" a relaxing blend of chamomile, rose petals & soothing herbs. 

Bring a mat, blanket and pillows for extra cushioning and comfort to create a cozy space for the Sound Bath Journey.


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