Coconut Elephant Yoga

Yoga Nidra + Sound
with Mary Beth

January 23 (Thursday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Join us for a 45-minute Yoga Nidra with Sound that will take you into a state of non-sleep deep rest. Susan Forche will guide you through a Yoga Nidra Relaxation that will lead you into a deep state of relaxation called yogic sleep (or NSDR), accompanied by Mary Beth who will create a beautiful sound bath for deep rest.

Sound Healing

This practice focuses on the vibration of sound to facilitate healing and transformation in the body and mind. These changes can be noticed mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Everything on this planet carries with it a vibration—including each of us!

It’s through this experience of vibration and sound that you may experience a shift, opening, or expansion within you and the possibility for healing can become realized.

Yoga Nidra

Guided meditation-yogic sleep-is a deep relaxation technique that carries you to a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping that can help diminish symptoms of anxiety by bringing mental calmness and cultivating a state of deep physical and emotional relaxation which can expand self-awareness.


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